Justice-impacted artists take on art world to reclaim narrative

The Aspen Times, August 16, 2023

For years, Simon Miccio dreamt about a space in Aspen to open an art gallery. When one opened right in front of the Aspen Art Museum, he decided to take the town up on its offer.

Now, with his namesake gallery and an inaugural show highlighting a national non-profit in a global art hub directly across from an internationally-renowned art museum, he steps to the plate for his most ambitious project as he aims to forge family through community conversations.

Aspen’s community has kept him returning throughout the last 11 years: “As an art capital of the world and a home base, I have always felt secure in creating family here,” he said. “I have met people in this town who I consider family, and I have the privilege to get to know and develop relationships with a variety of amazing people that will be with me forever.”